Thursday, 4 June 2015

Rant lll : Fake Gamer Girls/FGG's

As most of you might already know, I play video games. Assassins Creed, Star Wars games, Mario, Legend Of Zelda, GTA and the Lego games are my favorite ones, and I play them as and when I get to since I adore them. However, I get a lot of stick from male gamers because of the ever growing, ever irritating population of FGG's, more commonly known as Fake Gamer Girls. These are girls that have realised video games are popular with men, and so in an attempt to catch their attention, they pretend to play video games, when in reality, they are bloody terrible at them and couldn't really care less about them.

YOU DO REALISE THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO GET A GUYS ATTENTION OTHER THAN PRETENDING YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES BECAUSE WHEN I GO TO PLAY ONLINE IN MULTIPLAYER WITH GUYS, THEY THINK IM LYING!!!!! I don't know much about catching someone's attention, but I do know that you are RUINING my gaming experience! Half the time I have to pretend to be a dude so I can actually not get kicked out the group, and trust me, its so very irritating! I swear, the next time I hear a girl who obviously doesn't like video games say "Ooh my god! I like, totally play COD, like, all the time" I will walk up to the guy she's talking to and just say "You do realise she probably has never even touch a PlayStation or Xbox controller in her life, unless its to put on a movie". I feel like the worst thing is that people are going to continue to fall for it because we want to believe them! Its a vicious and extremely irritating circle.

My advice for girl trying to get a boy
1. Tell the truth
2. If you want to say you play video games, actually try something other COD or actually try playing COD before you say you play it
3. Stay away from the gaming community if you do disregard this advice

What else should I rant about?

1 comment:

  1. How many multiplayer games/ RPGs have been abliterated by masses of fake gamer girls,
    My advice to all FGGs go dig up the et game for Atari ( if you know what that is ) send a copy to myself and raobbyme, then and only then could we consider you a "hardcore gamer"
    Seriously though,I just think everyone needs to be them selves and not lie about what they like/enjoy/are just to impress people, let them like you for being you
